About Us

About Us

The European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators (EAEC), is a membership network, which currently has more than 140 members. It was founded in 2004 in Lodz, Poland, with an official kick off during the ERACON 2005 (ERASMUS Coordinators Conference and GO-Exchange Education Fair 2005) in Cyprus.

About Us

The European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators (EAEC), is a membership network, which currently has more than 140 members. It was founded in 2004 in Lodz, Poland, with an official kick off during the ERACON 2005 (ERASMUS Coordinators Conference and GO-Exchange Education Fair 2005) in Cyprus.

EAEC Management Board 2023-2025

Dr. Gregory Makrides

Professor – Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland
CEO Prognosis, President-THALES Foundation, Cyprus

Dr. Christina Kontogoulidou

University of Piraeus, Greece

Dr. Nuno Escudeiro

Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal

Emma Zeniou

University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Roula Kyrillou
Executive Vice-President


Lambri Makrides
Executive Secretary


Dr. Gheorghe Duda

Spiru Haret University, Romania

Damiano Pinnacchio

Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy

Meet Our Team

Executive Vice-President: Roula Kyrilou, Cyprus

Executive Secretary & Executive Treasurer: Makrides Lambri, Cyprus

Project Officers: Monica Tsartsali & Diamando Zisimopoulou